Vibratec delivers AVM’s to FPSO Jaguar
Vibratec has delivered nine AVM’s (anti-vibration mounts) to SBM Offshore. These AVM’s will support three motor-gear-pump skids on the FPSO Jaguar (Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading) unit for the Whiptail project in Guyana.
Each pump, weighing 104 tons, is supported by three AVM’s.Each AVM weighs approximately 1.5 – in other words, the AVM’s are very robust; they have been designed to withstand accidental loads up to 290 tons each horizontally and 205 tons in uplift. The AVM’s are ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Design Approved.
When designing AVM’s it is i crucial that the stiffness of the sub-structure is taken into account when calculating the Transmissibility. This is extra important for heavy equipment offshore, as these decks often are relatively soft.

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