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Wire Rope Isolators – WRI-AXX

Wire rope isolators are typically used in aerospace, defense, industrial, and marine applications to reduce the transmission of vibration and noise, protect sensitive equipment from shock and impacts, and improve overall performance and longevity of machinery.

WRI – A05

Product Characteristics

Each cable mount has six alternative configurations with regard to fixture holes (ref. table to the left). When ordering, make your choise and add the required hole configuration code to the type number. First letter is for upper bar and the second letter is for the bottom.

WRI-configurations we produce: II, IY, YY, IM, YM and MM.

Example: Wire Rope Isolator A050127-051-YM

The isolator in the image at the top of the page is WRI-A050127-051/6-MM

Technical Specifications

A technical drawing of wire rope isolator A05. The wire is ca 5 mm thick.

Wire-rope-isolator-A05-technical-specifications wire-rope-isolator-a05-technical-specifications.xlsx


Cable mount type number Height (H) Width (W) Mass
(mm) (mm) (kg)
A050127-057-XX 57 80 0.30
A050127-051-XX 51 58 0.26
A050127-044-XX 44 49 0.23
A050127-039-XX 39 44 0.22
A050127-034-XX 34 39 0.20
Fixture Hole Type Code
Through holes 6.5 mm I
Through holes countersunk Y
Inserts M6 M

Load Compression

Typical load range: 15 - 80 kg
Cable mount type number Rated load at 10 Hz (kg) Max. static load (kg) Max. dyn. travel (mm)
A050127-057-XX 20 26 32
A050127-051-XX 36 42 27
A050127-044-XX 56 56 21
A050127-039-XX 70 (11 Hz) 70 16
A050127-034-XX 84 (13 Hz) 84 12

Load 45° Compession and Roll

Typical load range: 10 - 55 kg
Cable mount type number Rated load at 10 Hz (kg) Max. static load (kg) Max. dyn. travel (mm)
A050127-057-XX 12 18 46
A050127-051-XX 21 30 38
A050127-044-XX 33 39 29
A050127-039-XX 45 47 23
A050127-034-XX 59 (11 Hz) 59 17

Load Shear and Roll

Typical load range: 2 - 15 kg
Cable mount type number Rated load at 10 Hz (kg) Max. static load (kg) Max. dyn. travel (mm)
A050127-057-XX 3 11 34
A050127-051-XX 6 18 28
A050127-044-XX 9 23 22
A050127-039-XX 14 28 17
A050127-034-XX 23 35 12