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Image of Vibratec Spring Package

Spring Packages 1, 2 or 3 rows

Springs in high tensile steel, resilient cushions of 18/8 stainless steel wire mesh, scrolls in aluminium, mounting plates in painted mild steel. Weight is depending of configuration where X is no. of springs, VT4422-X6 & VT4423-X6 ≈2,5 kg/springs, and ≈3 kg/spring for the VT4424-X7.

Product Characteristics

Very soft isolators designed for loading in compression mainly. Maximum excitation amplitude: ± 1 mm.
Mechanical strength: 2 g
Temperature range: -90° to +300° C. 

Custom made solutions could be manufactured, e.g. with other dimensions, threaded holes, integrated movement limiters, levelling screws, etc

Product Applications

Isolation of low speed rotating machines such as fans, compressors, generating sets, engines etc. Protection of fragile equipment. 

Technical Specifications



No. of springs Rows L W VT4422-X6 & VT4423-X6 VT4424-X7 A B Dia D Nx holes
H Unloaded H Loaded H Unloaded H Loaded
2 1 250 100 110 100 ± 2 160 140 ± 5 210 14 2
3 1 330 100 110 100 ± 2 160 140 ± 5 290 14 2
4 - 6 2 330 200 110 100 ± 2 160 140 ± 5 298 168 18 4
7 - 11 3 360 250 110 100 ± 2 160 140 ± 5 320 22 2


Ref. Natural frequency: Amplification factor
4422 6 - 8 Hz < 4
4423 5 - 6 Hz < 5
4424 3 - 4 Hz < 6

Load Ranges

Load range in daN (≈kg)
No of springs VT4422-X6 VT4423-X6 VT4424-X7
2 720 - 1120 620 - 840 700 - 1100
3 1080 - 1680 930 - 1260 1050 - 1650
4 1440 - 2240 1240 - 1680 1400 - 2200
5 1800 - 2800 1550 - 2100 1750 - 2750
6 2160 - 3360 1860 - 2520 2100 - 3300
7 2520 - 3920 2170 - 2940 2450 - 3850
8 2880 - 4480 2480 - 3360 2800 - 4400
9 3240 - 5040 2790 - 3780 3150 - 4950
10 3600 - 5600 3100 - 4200 3500 - 5500
11 3960 - 6160 3410 - 4620 3850 - 6050


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