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Image of Odense Basketball Court on Roof-Top
  • Construction

Roof-Top Basketball Court on Springs

Vibratec has supplied specially designed steel beams with integrated springs and cushions, to carry a roof-top basketball court in Odense, Denmark. This intervention was done to prevent the noise of bouncing balls and running players disturbing people living in apartments directly below. The result went beyond expectations and measurements showed Lp, max values lower than 15dB(A). This is more than 20 dB lower impact noise compared to a solution with concrete slab on a mineral wool mat.

CopenHill SKi slope
  • Uncategorized

Vibratec delivers noise enclosures to CopenHill

Time for winter holiday? The newly opened CopenHill - part a waste-to-energy power plant and part ski-slope, might be a good place to start.

Image of a Noise Enclosure from Vibratec
  • Industrial

Vibratec Installed Noise Enclosure

Vibratec has installed a Noise enclosure, that reduces the transfer of noise between the source and the recipient, for a power backup unit for Discovery Networks. The noise enclosure, produced by IAC Acoustics is approximately 5x5 m, and is custom made for the location and equipment.

Spring isolators to Tampere University Hospital
  • Industrial
  • Infrastructure
  • Construction

Vibratec delivers Spring isolators to Tampere University Hospital

A helipad was to be built on the roof of Tampere University Hospital (TAYS). Helicopters cause vibrations that are transmitted to the building's frame and cause disturbances. As the hospital environment is extremely sensitive to disturbance, this was something that needed to be prevented.

Vibratec delivers to Brandengen Skole
  • Construction

Vibratec delivers Regufoam-strips to Brandengen Skole, Norway

HENT had a need to reduce noise and vibrations for CLT construction in the new school building for Brandengen Skole, Norway.

  • Uncategorized

Vibratec Delivers WRI to AeroMap

AeroMap, who operate a sophisticated 3-axis stabilized remote sensing platform on ultralight aircraft, had a challenge when it came to avoid vibrations and shocks.

Image of Årstabron
  • Infrastructure
  • Construction

Constrained Layer Damping on Old Steel Bridge

Vibratec reduces noise on the Årsta bridge in central Stockholm. Using a techninque called constrained Layer Dampening (CLD). Noise lowered with 6 dB.

Image of reciprocationg engines
  • Industrial
  • Infrastructure

Constrained Layer Damping in Kansas

At the new Rubart power station in Kansas electricity is generated by 12 Caterpillar engines. The air intake filers to the engines where originally designed for another slightly smaller engine type.

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