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Vibratec ställer ut på Nordbygg 2024!

Kom och besök vår monter för att lära dig mer om våra skräddarsydda lösningar för att skapa en behaglig ljudmiljö i alla typer av byggnader.

Picture of Svenska Akustiska Sällskapet Ljuddagen 2024
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SAS Ljuddag 2024

Den 13 mars arrangerar SAS (Svenska Akustiska Sällskapet) Ljuddag på Chalmers i Göteborg. Under evenemanget kommer årets Ljud- och Ljudmiljöpris att delas ut och flera intressanta föredrag kommer att hållas.

Picture of Lyyra centre
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Vibration Isolation of the Lyyra Centre

The new Lyyra complex is now finalized in Helsinki. The Lyyra centre will be a “City block of science and economy” and create an internationally attractive meeting place for science and companies in the heart of Helsinki.

Picture of Vibratec-TRAfastighet-WC
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Product News!

Introducing REGUFOAM® WC Strip – a solution for reducing impact noise from toilet seats. Toilet seats can produce disturbing impact sounds during flushing and use, especially floor-standing toilets.

Picture of Regufoam® Vibration from 2 mm
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  • Product News

Regufoam® vibration now available in thinner options, starting at 2 mm!

Vibrations from daily activities like people moving, dishwashers, washing machines and electronic devices can create structure borne noise, particularly in multi-storey wooden buildings. By integrating vibration insulation these disturbances can be reduced.

Picture of Engelska skolan Norrtälje
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Vibratec delivers and installs sound insulation for music rooms and studios!

The construction of the International English School in Norrtälje, Sweden, is progressing, and Vibratec is proud to contribute to its development.

Picture of nya Gottsundaskolan
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Floor and ceiling system to Gottsundaskolan

By integrating sound isolation into the building construction, the transmission of vibrations can be minimized, thus ensuring that structural noise does not cause disruption in adjacent areas.

Picture of wooden building
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Vibratec på seminarium för ingenjörsmässigt byggande i trä

Seminarium för ingenjörsmässigt byggande i trä den 9 november på Slagthuset i Malmö. Svenskt Trä bjuder in till en spännande dag med inspirerande föredragshållare inom temat – Fyra steg mot ett klimatneutralt samhällsbyggande.

Image of gym floor
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Vibratec gym floors

Why are elastic gym floors essential for noise and vibration control? The trend of mixed urban spaces with both fitness and living areas is on the rise, especially in densely populated cities. So, it is important that vibrations and noise from the gym facilities do not have an impact on the surrounding.

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