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Multi-storey Timber Building
Quietly Improving Your Environment

Avoid Structure-Borne Noise in Lightweight Constructions!

Multi-storey timber buildings have become a significant part of modern construction due to their environmental benefits and efficient, cost-effective building processes. However, lightweight constructions often pose challenges in sound insulation. Vibrations from everyday activities, like footsteps and appliances, can create disruptive structure-borne noise that impacts comfort.

By using elastic elements, floating floors, suspended ceilings, and wall mounts, we can help you effectively decouple components from the structure, thus reducing both airborne noise and noise borne through structure.

Vibratec specializes in sound and vibration isolation, ensuring the highest standards for your timber building. Want to know more about how we can optimize acoustics and mitigate structure-borne noise in your project? Contact us!

Read more about our product range for multi-storey timber buildings

An illustration of a multi-story building with products from Vibratec to reduce vibrations and noise

Interested in vibration isolation for Multi-storey timber buildings?

Feel free to contact us for more information

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Image of Vibratec Floating Floor VT-JFS for a Crossfit facility
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CrossFit Floor with Jack-Up Floating Slab VT-JFS

To minimize disturbing noise to adjacent offices, the floor was constructed with a 120mm floating concrete slab using Vibratec’s Jack-Up Spring System VT-JFS.

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Vibratec delivers innovative acoustic floor and ceiling solutions to Amfi Elverum in collaboration with Consto

Vibratec supplied our floor system VT-dBlock for an area of 1200 m². In addition, we supplied our floor system VT-BATand our ceiling system VT-SFC.

Image of Royal Opera in Flemingsberg
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Vibratec Solutions for the Royal Opera

Designed to meet the highest acoustic standards, Vibratecs innovative solution ensures exceptional soundproofing and vibration isolation

  • Construction

Vibration Isolation for Multi-storey Timber Buildings

Avoid structure-borne noise from vibrations in lightweight structures to achieve effective vibration isolation in timber buildings. In recent years, multi-storey timber buildings have become a significant part of the new constructions of apartment blocks. The increase in timber construction brings several positive aspects, including a reduced climate impact and the possibility of a faster and…