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About Vibratec

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Quietly Improving Your Environment

This is Vibratec

Vibratec is one of Scandinavia’s leading suppliers of noise, shock and vibration solutions. Our ambition is to become the preferred choice for customers who need solutions to noise, vibration and shock problems. Vibratec produce and store many products for damping and isolation of vibration, shock and noise over a wide range of applications.

Read more about our range of products and solutions in our brochures and catalogues further down this page. Click here for quick navigation.

The Vibratec Group comprises of six companies in six countries.

Vibratec is active in the marine and offshore industry, construction, infrastructure, industry, power generation and defence. The wide range of products ensures that everything from small engines, gas turbines, bridges, railways and complete buildings can be vibration isolated. Vibratec offers its customers complete solutions and implementation.

A picture of the Vibratec company organisation

Our Vision and Our Mision


To be a leading international supplier of technical solutions within noise, vibration and shock isolation.


With innovative design and expertise, we create and deliver in-house technical solutions that minimizes noise vibration, and shocks to improve customers’ environments.

Quality, Environment and Working Environment

Business policy

Vibratec is a leading manufacturer and supplier of products and solutions to improve health, safety and environmental issues relating to noise, vibrations and shock isolation.

Our most important resources and requirement providers are our employees, customers and other stakeholders.

We shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations and strive for continuous improvement, provide safe technical solutions and products of adequate quality.

We shall actively work to continuously improve our work environment and reduce our environmental impact, protect the environment and prevent emissions of pollutants.

Risks, ill health and victimization will be prevented by actively promoting systematic health and safety work.

Our Certificates


1988 – Lennart Söderman, Kjell Johnsson and Carl Sejersted Bödtker start Vibratec Isolation AB in Stockholm. The company mainly devotes itself to solutions in whole metal for marine applications thanks to Lennart Söderman’s experience and expertise as a ship designer.

1990 – Vibratec Isolation AB moves to Blidö, an island in the northern part of Stockholm’s archipelago. The company has three employees and is housed in BIHAB’s (Blidö Industrihus) premises. Over the years that follow, the company starts its own manufacture of spring insulators and pipe holders and also initiates its first offshore project with specially developed vibration damping attachments with springs.

1998 – The real estate company BIHAB is acquired and Vibratec Isolation AB takes over the plant’s office premises, workshop and warehouse.

Image of Blidö

1999 – Vibratec Isolation AB acquires Maskinverkstaden Wannerstens Mekaniska because the ambition is to increase the company’s own production of vibration isolators. In addition, the company purchases 51% of the competing company Akustikprodukter AB, which includes the Norwegian subsidiary APN. The acquisitions broaden Vibratec’s product range to include silencers, wire insulators and rubber products. In connection with the companies merging, the name is changed to Vibratec Akustikprodukter AB (and to Vibratec Akustikprodukter AS in Norway).

2001 – The company’s creative founder Lennart Söderman dies tragically in ALS. His co-founder Kjell Johnsson takes over the CEO post.

2003 – The company has had a strong development and becomes a Gazelle company. A small agency network is emerging. Rickvin Trading Pte in Singapore becomes the first agent.

2004 – Vibratec strengthens its position as a leading technology company by choosing Leif Kari, who is a professor of technical acoustics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in the corporate board. The collaboration with the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for sound and vibration research at KTH as this supplement gives Vibratec a unique position between industry and cutting edge research.

2005 – Vibratec Acoustics products will be a registered trademark in Sweden, Norway and China.

2006 – The parent company is certified according to ISO: 9001: 2000.

2007 – A new subsidiary is established in Estonia: Akustikatooted OÜ.

2008 – A new subsidiary is established in Denmark: Vibratec Akustikprodukter ApS, with Anders Olsen as CEO. Svante Hägerstrand becomes new CEO of Vibratec Akustikprodukter AB.

2009 – The remaining 49% of the Norwegian subsidiary Vibratec Akustikprodukter AS is acquired.

2011 – Production of wire rope isolators is moved from Norway to Sweden – all production is now under the same roof.

2014 – 5 people go safety course for offshore Vibratec starts doing measurement assignments and installations on rigs and platforms in the North Sea.

2016 – The parent company is certified according to ISO 14001: 2015. Previous quality certification is updated to ISO 9001: 2015.

2017 – A new subsidiary Vibratec Installation AB is established. The company does floating floor installations and room-in-room solutions.

2018 – The subsidiary 3DI Akustiikkatuotteet OY is established in Finland.

2019 – The parent company is certified according to ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018

2020 – The subsidiary Vibratec Acoustic Products India PT Ltd is established in India.

2021 – The subsidiary Vibratec Acoustic Products India Ltd is certified according to ISO 9001:2015

2022 – The subsidiary Vibratec Production OÜ is established in Estonia.

2023 – The subsidiary Vibratec Production is certified according to ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018


Marine and Navy brochure

An image of the front page and spread from Vibratecs brochure for the maritime industry

Defence brochure

An image of our brochure for the defence industry.

Offshore brochure

An image of our Offshore brochure

Industry brochure

An image of the front page and spread from Vibratecs brochure for the industry sector

Construction – Product catalogue

An image of the front page and spread from Vibratecs product catalogue for the construction sector

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